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The CiteFest Challenge!

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Saved by PBworks
on December 19, 2007 at 6:22:26 pm

 What are some useful challenges?


We want to evaluate a number of software tools in terms of how well they actually handle real-world tasks a researcher might have, whether it be undergraduate student, Ph.D. candidate, or advanced scholar.  Think about tasks that you may be doing on a fairly regular basis ...


  • Creating a bibliography for a two page paper; different citation formats
  • Create a citation directly from a web site (bookmarklet or other)
  • Collaborative project: multiple people working on the same bibliography
  • Get a citation directly from a database? How garbled is it, how much post-import cleanup is needed
  • Create a citation from a web site
  • Try to export your citations
  • Getting started and how long does it take to get to a basic
  • Modify a citation style or template: change from MLA style to APA style
  • Attach your notes, keywords, or tags to a citation
  • Language support and diacritics, UNICODE compliance



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