
The CiteFest Challenge!

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 11 months ago

 What are some useful challenges?


We want to evaluate a number of software tools in terms of how well they actually handle real-world tasks a researcher might have, whether it be undergraduate student, Ph.D. candidate, or advanced scholar.  Think about tasks that you may be doing on a fairly regular basis, and edit this page to add your challenge suggestions.


If you plan to attend on Feb 29, either to participate in the tests or to observe, please click here to register. You will be prompted for your NetID and password.


  • Create a bibliography for a two page paper using different source types
  • Share your citations with others
  • Create a citation from a web site
  • Import a citation from an online database
  • Change your references from MLA to APA (or vice versa)
  • Attach your notes, keywords, or tags to a citation
  • Include special characters or non-Roman alphabets in your citation
  • Cite a podcast
  • Cite an audio recording
  • Cite a music score
  • Cite unpublished archival materials, including a letter, a scrapbook, an internal memo, a newspaper clipping
  • Cite an archival finding-aid from a repository website
  • Download a paper as a pdf using the reference's DOI
  • Link each reference in your database to a pdf on your hard drive
  • Merge two citation libraries from separate publications into one document with appropriate formatting (numbering updates, create a merged library, etc.)
  • Edit a reference after it has been inserted into a paper
  • Create a custom citation and reference format for a conference paper or journal article
  • Cite while you write - in as many different word processors as possible (Word, Word Perfect, Open Office)
  • Cite with the author part of regular text, e.g: "as Smith (1776) argues"
  • Include page numbers and comments such as e.g., c.f. to a citation, e.g. "in the late 18th century, economists started to discover the virtues of the free market (cf. Smith 1776, 18-24)
  • Drag and drop references into a blog post
  • Export bibliographic information in HTML
  • Cite a YouTube video or a image from Flickr
  • Create a timeline to visualize your records
  • Create collections to organize your materials
  • Add citations to an email
  • Generate collections based on search criteria
  • Add references to a Google Doc


Please edit this page to add your challenge, or send it via email to citefest@northwestern.edu



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