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on January 25, 2008 at 1:26:48 pm

CiteFest citation tool Face-Off!



Dissertation citations getting out of control? Trying to manage resources in a group research environment? Interested in scholarly social networking tools? Already using a bibliography software and wonder how it stacks up against others?


Northwestern University Library and Academic Technologies present a head to head matchup of citation software. We want to find out which tools are quickest, most accurate, and work best with others.


We'll put established tools like EndNote and RefWorks up against newcomers Zotero, CiteULike and Connotea and see who comes out on top.


We need your help!

  • Post a challenge! We want real world tests. What do you need your citation tool to do?
  • Volunteer for a team! Any level of expertise is welcome. Are you an expert? Show off what you can do. Beginner? Come learn what these tools can do for you.
  • Win prizes! Have fun!


Tools we'll be looking at: CiteULike, Connotea, EndNote, NoodleBib, RefWorks, Zotero, YOUR SUGGESTION!?



Challenges planned:

  • Create a bibliography for a two page paper using different source types
  • Share your citations with others
  • Create a citation from a web site
  • Import a citation from an online database
  • Change your references from MLA to APA (or vice versa)
  • Attach your notes, keywords, or tags to a citation
  • Include special characters or non-Roman alphabets in your citation



CiteFest event details

When: February 29, 2008, 1:30 - 3:00 PM

Where: PC/Mac lab in the Library basement


CiteFest results will be presented at a 2East presentation in Spring 2008 and posted on the CiteFest wiki.


Questions? Comments? Want to participate? citefest@northwestern.edu.




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